Our Class Pages

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Curriculum Information

For information about the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum planning at Hunsdon, click here to download our Curriculum Statement.

Long Term Rolling Curriculum Plans
At Hunsdon we have developed rolling plans that deliver the curriculum requirements in an integrated way often through our innovative whole school topics!
Click here to download the rolling plans.
Skills and Knowledge
We believe that children need to develop key skills as well as acquiring knowledge in order to engage with the whole curriculum. Teaching, therefore, needs to balance those elements and deliver them in sequence so that there is continuity and continual progression as children move through the school.
Click here to see our Learning Overviews for each Foundation subject
Phonics knowledge is a key factor in developing reading and writing skills Click here to find out how we teach phonics and what is expected
Termly Curriculum Maps
The curriculum map for each class is available on their class page and gives an overview of the content of the term's plans for each subject. These are put together in accordance with the statutory requirements for a maintained primary and delivered through imaginative and high quality teaching.  If you should need further information about the Primary National Curriculum it can be viewed in full here
Whole School Events and Topic Days
Our curriculum is broad and balanced with core skills running through a variety of cross curricular topics. We believe that whole school topics, whether they run for a single day or a whole term, can bring children's learning to life.
Click here to see recent examples of the whole school working together!