Physical Education and Sport

The government provides funding that is specifically targeted at improving the provision of physical education and sport. Schools are required to publish details of how this funding is spent and the impact it has had on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment. At Hunsdon we are particularly committed to developing a guaranteed daily 30 minutes of rigorous physical exercise for every child, in line with Department of Health recommendations.

Sports Premium Action Plan Detailed plan to implement, and measure the impact of, actions to develop the effective teaching of P.E. for the current academic year - Click here to download


Evidence of Impact
Required information providing the evidence that our planned approach has had the expected impact - Click here to download


Match Reports
The Hunsdon Community is always keen to hear about sporting activites that the children have been involved in, and match reports are a highly anticipated section of our sharing assemblies. Read the reports that our sports stars have written! Click here